Advanced Integrated
Myofascial Release Therapy
and Soft Tissue Management
Benefits of keeping fascia healthy
Promotes unrestricted movement
Reduces pain and stiffness
Lowers the risk of injury
Minimises the effects of adhesions and scar tissue
Supports graceful ageing
Enhances body symmetry and alignment
Increases blood flow and cellular exchange
Accelerates exercise recovery
Healthier skin and other soft tissues
Improves sports performance
Clients seek treatment for:
Stress, anxiety, fatigue
Persistent pain anywhere in the body
Body stiffness and (hyper)sensitivity
Women's pelvic health: any pelvic issues
Emotional healing
TMJ & jaw problems
Scar and injuries (old and recently healed)
Enhancing athletic performance
Treatment focus:
Neuro-muscular-fascial-skeletal health
Women's pelvic health
Pain relief
Stress and anxiety
Healing (emotional and physical)
Scars and adhesions
Alex can help with many symptoms related to most health conditions. Please don’t hesitate to reach out or make an appointment if you experience something not mentioned above.
Alex welcomes all people. An adult must accompany children under 15.
Contact Alex here if you are unsure how iMFT can help you.
Alexandra Shave
BSc (Hons) Health Sciences
Advanced Myofascial Release Therapist
Alexandra Shave is a qualified Advanced Integrated Myofascial Release Therapist and Health Coach with a Bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences, BSc (Hons), for which she specialised in Remedial Massage and Neuromuscular Therapy (2012).
Alex has further Myofascial Release Therapy certification in:
Advanced Integrated Myofascial Release Therapy
Women's Pelvic Health Specialist (all pelvic health issues)
Pelvic Balancing (a gentle MFR sequence to realign the pelvis)
Unwinding (the body’s emotional self-regulatory system)
Understanding pain (persistent pain management)
Scar Tissues (scars can pull on any other body part)
TMJ (jaw issues)
Alex helps you to reduce symptoms like stress, chronic fatigue, pain, sleep disturbances, anxiety, hormone imbalances, stiffness, and restrictions related to and caused by many different health conditions. This can be life-changing.
She blends all her skills, knowledge, and experience to provide the most comprehensive treatment and care possible. For over fifteen years, she has supported countless individuals in improving their lives by enhancing their mobility and emotional and physical well-being.
Besides training with Myofascial Release UK (In-Touch Education), she has health coaching, mentoring, counselling L2, Ayurveda, meditation and Reiki I/II certifications. She has a keen interest in nutrition and is a dedicated yoga and mindfulness practitioner -her knowledge of how the body and mind work is exceptional.
Alex is here to help you get back to doing the things you love and want to do in life.
Go to the Myofascial Release Therapy page or click here for more information.
Go to the About page or click here to read more about Alex.
Myofascial Release Therapy
for the whole body
Integrated Myofascial Release Therapy (iMFR) uses soft-tissue techniques to help regulate the nervous system and safely reduce restrictions and their effects on the body.
It can help to alleviate any symptoms you are dealing with so you can resume activities you enjoy and live the life you want.
iMFR may be different from anything you have tried before. It's gentle, deep, calming and potentially life-changing.
Myofascial Release Therapy can significantly improve your health.
Go to the Myofascial Release Therapy page menu or click here.
Pelvic Floor Myofascial Release Therapy
for women's pelvic health
Are you putting up with pelvic floor symptoms just because you have gotten used to them and think they are a normal part of life or ageing?
Are you letting embarrassment prevent you from seeing help?
Do pelvic symptoms stop you from doing things that you enjoy?
Go to the Pelvic Health page menu or click here.
You can contact Alex here to start your journey towards better pelvic health.
Self-Myofascial Release Therapy
a gentle approach to self-care
Self-MFR therapy is comprehensive, powerful, and gentle. This self-care form of Myofascial Release Therapy uses three specific SMFR tools and many different techniques to apply sustained pressure on soft tissues with full-body benefits.
During a session, you'll learn techniques to identify and self-treat areas of hard, sticky, and dehydrated fascia, often indicating restricted, painful, and dysfunctional regions in the body. Regular practice can help you manage symptoms like pain, stiffness, brain fog, mood swings, IBS, fatigue, anxiety, and headaches.
Regular practice of SMFR techniques will help you manage your pain, stiffness, fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, headaches, mood swings, IBS and many more benefits.
Learn to self-treat like a Pro!
Go to the Self-Myofascial Release Therapy page menu or click here.
Holistic Health Coaching
Health Coaching with a holistic approach looks at all aspects of life and helps you make positive lifestyle changes to meet your physical, emotional, energetic, mental, and spiritual needs.
Go to the Holistic Health Coaching page menu or click here.
Fascinating Fascia Information
Fascial glide & mobility
Thickening fascia can become stiff, leading to impaired flow and gliding ability, which can cause a range of symptoms. The body can feel heavy and sluggish, leading to pain, oedema, poor balance, and more. The flow in the fascia can be impaired, causing collagen fibres to stick together and exerting higher pressure on nerve receptors, leading to pain and impeded signals. Muscles can also go into convulsions as they receive constant signals to contract.
Inflammation may occur when transport and communication throughout the tissue are disturbed, and the immune system tries to solve the problem. A tight connective tissue chain can distort the skeleton, so the balance is disturbed and joints wear.
The entire locomotion system is affected by poor coordination and endurance. The causes may be many: overload, damage by external trauma, inflammation due to lifestyle, poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, anxiety, depression or other issues.
Our bodies need motion to maintain optimal metabolism and circulation to the tissues. If we stop moving, the flow will decrease, and the fascia will stick together. It is a good idea to move after rest or being sedentary. Yawning with a deep inhalation and then a slow exhalation can also stretch the lungs. However, if the movement is obtuse and it hurts, it is easy to avoid activity, leading to stagnation in the flow.
Hyaluronan, found in the fascia's ground substance, binds water over 1000 times its weight, can quickly change viscosity ('thickness' of a liquid), and is an important component in tissue glide. Hyaluronan has many bodily functions and is one of the most important components of the fascia.
Psychological aspects also affect our patterns of movement. A person who is nervous and tense keeps their movements tight and builds up tension, whereas a more energetic person often is more mobile and relaxed.
It is important to regularly engage in strength, mobility, and flexibility training to maintain the health of your fascia.
Healthy fascia
uncompromised movement
improved body symmetry and alignment
increased blood flow, which means faster exercise recovery
reduced appearance of stretch marks and cellulite
scar tissue breakdown
reduced risk of injury
less perception of pain
improved sports performance
You can receive many of these benefits from integrated myofascial therapy and holistic health coaching.
Fascia facts
Fascia connects, separates, integrates, protects, communicates, helps us move, transfers load, and is involved in the cellular exchange of waste, oxygen, and nutrition.
It has an estimated 250 million nerve endings and constantly sends signals to the brain concerning movement and position (proprioception), our internal environment (interception), and potential tissue damage (nociception).
Fascia is able to store and release kinetic energy, which can help movement, speed, agility and power.
Fascia responds and adapts to its environment due to its elasticity and resilience.
It transmits forces throughout the body to prevent injuries.
The gel-like ground substance of the fascia helps our tissues glide. When this thickens, the tissue gets stuck and thickens, which can potentially cause dysfunction.
Fascia is affected by age, health, nutrition, sleep, injury, physical and emotional trauma and other bio-psycho-social factors.
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